Anders Roslund to Macedonian Book Fair April 20 – Nezavisen made an interview
When you meet Anders Roslund at the Book Fair in Skopje you will especially come across the titles Чук чук (Knock Knock), Слатко сонувај (Sweet Dreams) and Верувај ми (Trust Me) – in fact there is a special release for Верувај ми at the same time as Roslund visiting the Book Fair.
Nezavisen asked Anders Roslund and the Macedonian publisher Antolog some questions;
“I hope that reading can help tear down walls between human beings. In strange and shaky times you sometimes need to escape to another place, at least in your mind to a fictive world.” (Roslund)
“We are very grateful for the opportunity to welcome Anders Roslund to the Book Fair. Roslund is one of the most distinguished authors in crime fiction, with a radiant career and a large number of readers all around the world.” (Antolog)
Read the whole story here.