Anders Roslund’s Sretan rođendan ti / Three Days is published in Croatia. The publisher is Znanje.

Anders Roslund’s Sretan rođendan ti / Three Days is published in Croatia. The publisher is Znanje.
“This is a fast-paced action thriller with a high body-count, characters under constant threat of death and a story where […]
Anders Roslund’s Three Years / Sovsågott now also in The Mass-Market Edition.
Anders Roslund’s Õnnesoovimesul / Three Days is published in Estonia. The publisher is Eesti Raamat.
Anders Roslund’s Sä kasvoit neito kaunoinen / Three Days is published in Finland. The publisher is WSOY.
“[A] breathtakingly exciting and truly well-written crime novel. Grens is an excellent protagonist, and the plot is both sinister and […]
Anders Roslund’s Ilgiausių metų / Three Days is published in Lithuania. The publisher is LWU Publishers.
“Once again Roslund has proven to be one of the best and most ethically sustainable authors within Nordic crime fiction. […]