Anders Roslund’s 72 Sata / Three Days is published in Serbia. The publisher is Laguna.

Anders Roslund’s 72 Sata / Three Days is published in Serbia. The publisher is Laguna.
Anders Roslund’s Trei Zile / Three Days is published in Romania. The publisher is Litera.
Anders Roslund’s Να ζήσεις κορίτσι / Three Days is published in Greece. The publisher is Livanis.
Anders Roslund’s A Aniversariante / Three Days is published in Portugal. The publisher is Porto.
Møte med Anders Roslund – uhyggens mester Meeting with Anders Roslund – master of horror Anders Roslund at Krimfestivalen Oslo […]
“A heart-pounding thriller … Roslund’s serpentine plot and visceral character development brings each cliffhanging chapter to a staggering revelation on […]
Να ζήσεις κορίτσι (Three Days) is a stunning mix of a Scandinavian crime novel with elements of a psychological thriller […]
“A high concept thriller that tells the electrifying story of a police inspector and a former criminal informant in a […]