Litteratursiden: "Already from start you are caught!"

“The three brothers’ unity is put on the ultimate test in this well-written and thrilling crime novel that hits you right into both heart and stomach … A solid and good Swedish crime novel. Already from start you are caught by the brothers’ heartbreaking destiny … The book is so brilliantly written that you switch between hoping that Leo will succeed with his plans and the directly opposite, as he actually is the criminal. / Tre brødres sammenhold stilles på den ultimative prøve i denne velskrevne og nervepirrende spændingsroman, der går lige i både hjerte og mave … En gedigen og god svensk spændingsroman. Allerede fra starten fanges man af brødrenes hjerteskærende skæbner … Bogen er skrevet så knaldgodt, at man skifter mellem at håbe, at Leo får succes med sine planer og det stik modsatte, da han jo er forbryderen.”
Read the whole story here.