Anders Roslund

100 procent

Release date: October 10 2022 / Original title: 100 procent

100 procent

“So what you’re saying is that we are suddenly in some kind of … well, crime novel about serial killers? You know I do not do such things, never have – for the simple reason that there are no Swedish serial killers, there never have been.”

But – if they do not exist now:
Why is a body drained of blood?
Why is another body crushed bone by bone and why is a third burned with different liquids?
How reliable is really DNA testing?
And – what really happened to criminal detective Ewert Grens, the one who shot himself to end it all?


“Roslund’s strongly empathetic prose, coupled with the pressing urgency of societal issues, illuminates a captivating crime novel that expands the boundaries of violence, both in the realm of real police work and in the intellectual and emotional lives of the characters.”
Jyllands-Posten ★★★★★ (Denmark)
“Even the most spoiled and quality-conscious crime readers will be held in an iron grip from beginning to end (…) It doesn’t get much better than when Anders Roslund, a writer like few others, once again delivers a crime novel where plot, composition, pace, and psychology come together in a higher unity.”
DBC (Denmark)
“I haven’t read that suggestive details for a long time … 100 Procent is a masterpiece.”
Krajské listy (Czech Republic)
“It probably goes without saying that Anders Roslund’s Ewert Grens books are still unbeatable.”
Eesti Päevaleht (Estonia)
“Anders Roslund is well known for his exciting thrillers with strong messages. In his latest crime novel he surpasses himself – Sada protsenti is published.”
Postimees (Estonia)
"Anders Roslund really is 100 percent … 400 action-packed pages … If he’s not already the best crime writer of the country, then there are very few in front of him. The language flows and the pace is fast.”
Nya Kristinehamns-Posten (Sweden)
"Anders Roslund’s writing is witty and engaging and the narrative has impressive momentum. The research is extensive, but Roslund does not forget to describe the humans behind the characters in a warm and illustrating way.”
Mariestads-Tidningen (Sweden)
"A hundred percent suspense … Anders Roslund masters the art of telling a story and offers you a convincing view of Stockholm from the eyes of criminal gangs.”
Ölandsbladet (Sweden)
“Well-constructed and riveting!”
Dast Magazine (Sweden)
"Anders Roslund writes in such a captivating way that one cannot stop reading.”
Dagens Nyheter (Sweden)
“A new novel with Grens and Hoffman is a call for celebration for friends of well written and gripping crime novels. Anders Roslund’s name guarantees thrilling fiction which also offers the reader something beyond enchanting entertainment. The intrigues are well thought through, the illustration of the criminal world pitch black, even if the bad guys themselves often are nuanced and complex … 100 procent will not disappoint you."
BTJ (Sweden)
"Roslund masterfully describes a society with rising inequality and without interaction, a world falling apart … Roslund is one of the few who narrates about suburbs, gang criminality and the drug hell with a combination of expertise, social pathos and literary ability … Fantastic read ...One hundred percent guaranteed that this is suspense at its best!”
Kapprakt (Sweden)
“It is cleverly constructed … It is cleverly written, and it is difficult not to turn the page.”
Nyhetsmorgon (Sweden)

100 procent | Sweden | Albert Bonniers
100 Posto | Croatia | Znanje
Czech Republic (under translation) | Euromedia
Denmark (under translation) | Modtryk
Estonia (under translation) | Eesti Raamat
Finland (under translation) | WSOY
Greece (under translation) | Livanis
Netherlands (under translation) | De Geus
Norway (under translation) | Cappelen Damm
Poland (under translation) | Albatros
Russia (under translation) | Exem

100 procent, Sweden 100 procent, Sweden
100 Posto, Croatia 100 Posto, Croatia